More! Lemmings (Amiga, CD32, CDTV)
A downloadable mod
What with the Amiga being the cultural home for Lemmings, i found it annoying that any level editors are all PC based, and any new levels have to be played via those machines. So after reading what a chap called ‘spud’ had done (un-compressing levels and hex editing them), i thought it time Amiga owners had some new levels to play with.
Work began on this project in early November 2016 and was completed by mid December 2016, around 6 weeks work in total, alot of this time was working on the 40 duplicate levels which took time making new names up and re-testing levels so they could be completed with the new skill numbers i had assigned them, that and of course alot of tedious hex editing!
That was only half the problem, any new levels i choose had to use the original Lemmings landscapes, so any special graphics or other versions i.e Christmas levels couldn’t be used. So in the end i decided on using ‘minimac94’s converted Sega Megadrive levels.
The Sega Megadrive version created after the Amiga one by Sunsoft in Japan, has 90 levels unique from the Amiga one, it also has 70-80 Amiga levels included, but because it couldn’t handle the large levels from the Amiga version they had to create new smaller levels, hence these 90 new levels.
Because of the way Lemmings is made up of 80 levels + 40 duplicates =120 levels, I couldn’t include all 90 unique Megadrive levels, but I have included 80 levels and the other 40 are duplicates of those with new skills, names and times, given these levels new ways of completing them.
Lastly, the way the levels are organised on the original game, meant without alot more work on my part, the levels aren’t in any difficulty order, meaning there is a couple of harder levels right at the start, so i recommend you brush up on the original Lemmings before attempting this one!
- The CD32/CDTV CD-ROM version works on any stock machine.
- The Amiga ADF Disk version works on any Amiga but needs 1MB RAM and 2 Disk Drives.
- The WHDLoad version should work on any Amiga with a HDD and 1MB RAM.
I hope you enjoy the new levels for the Amiga!
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I tried to use winuae emulating my real amiga 500+ (no extra ram) while i'm wating for my gotek and play this in real hardware but the game is launching only if both df0 and df1 have both floppy adf inside if i place floppy 1 in df0 and disable df1 (since i'm trying to emulate my real hw) after the splashscreen it give me an error "please insert volume DF1 in any drive" if i try to swap floppy 1of2 with 2of2 nothing change still pop up error. Do i need to make disk 2 phisical floppy and emulate disk 1 with gotek to play this in real hardware? Anyway thanks for the game i love lemmings one of my favorite childhood game
hi, yes this game needs two drives to play via adf files, sorry no idea how Gotek works, but as mentioned both drives need to be enabled.
Gotek is a floppy emulator capable to read adf files from usb stick and you can connect as external or internal on your amiga. If you connect external the amiga will recognize it as DF1 (like another floppy device) So basically to run this game i have to move both adf inside gotek then copy with x-copy one of them on phisical floppy and then set the gotek to boot one disk and the other one it will be boot from phisical floppy inside the original amiga floppy reader. Thank you again for the game hope to see more from you and i would be more then happy to support retro gaming projects like this for the amiga.
very good
thank you!